Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What happened December 17, 1903?

The 1903 Flyer after its last flightImage credit: Library of Congress

The First FlightImage credit: Library of Congress

The original 1903 Flyer had a very short flying career—five attempts at flight, four of them successful. Following the triumphant flights of December 17, 1903, the Flyer was completely destroyed by a gust of wind. Though the Wright brothers usually destroyed or abandoned their aircraft, they kept the wrecked Flyer, crating it up and carrying it back to Ohio.The Flyer was uncrated thirteen years later, and rebuilt. The broken and missing pieces were replaced and only partially documented. The machine which had existed in 1903 was never again complete. Since the Wrights made no drawings of the Flyer, its exact design has remained a mystery. The Flyer has had a long second career as a curiosity and museum piece. At the center of a fued between the Orville Wright and the Smithsonian Institution, it spent a quarter century exiled in England. It came back to the United Stated in 1948, and has been on display ever since. This October, it will form the centerpiece of an exhibit The Wright Brothers and the Invention of the Aerial Age at the National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C.

For a history of the Flyer and its long career as a symbol of the Wright brothers, visit In Depth: The 1903 Flyer, part I.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

tHe ChUnNeL

The Channel Tunnel (French: Le tunnel sous la Manche), also known by the portmanteau Chunnel, is a 50.5 km (31.4 mi) undersea rail tunnel linking Folkestone, Kent in England with Coquelles near Calais in northern France beneath the English Channel at the Strait of Dover. At its lowest point it is 75 m (250 ft) deep. It has the longest undersea portion of any tunnel in the world, although Japan's Seikan Tunnel is longer overall at 53.85 km (33.5 mi) and reaches a depth of 240 m (790 ft).
The tunnel carries high-speed
Eurostar passenger trains, Eurotunnel ro-ro vehicle transport and international rail freight trains. In 1996 the American Society of Civil Engineers identified the tunnel as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Endeavour Lands in California !!!

Image above: Space shuttle Endeavour and the STS-126 crew land at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. after completing a mission to the International Space Station.

With commander Chris Ferguson and pilot Eric Boe at the controls, space shuttle Endeavour descended to a smooth landing at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The STS-126 crew members concluded their successful mission to the International Space Station when the shuttle touched down at 4:25 p.m. EST. Endeavour arrived at the station Nov. 16, delivering equipment that will help allow the station to double its crew size to six. In addition, the STS-126 astronauts delivered Expedition 18 Flight Engineer Sandra Magnus, who replaced Greg Chamitoff, now a mission specialist who returned to Earth aboard Endeavour. STS-126 is the 124th shuttle mission and 27th shuttle flight to visit the space station.Due to the late landing time of space shuttle Endeavour, the previously reported STS-126 post-landing news conference at Kennedy Space Center, Fla., has been canceled.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mall In Dubai

The Dubai Mall - A place like no other. A new day, a new dawn. From the wind swept sands, a new legend rises. A mall of epic proportions that is named The Dubai Mall.
. The Dubai Mall is the region's premier shopping, lifestyle and entertainment destination. With more than 1,200 stores and a host of world-class attractions, The Dubai Mall is revolutionizing the modern shopping experience.
With an impressive array of leisure pursuits, this is the ultimate, cutting-edge shopping experience. A range of adventure sports vies for attention alongside the romance of ice-skating. The Dubai Mall is a place where outdoor brunch can be followed by the delights of the big screen and where a 21st century gold souk is set off against a world class aquarium. When was the last time your sortie to the designer stores took place under the watchful eye of a giant sea turtle? Step inside The Dubai Mall and experience a place like no other.
From the timeless tranquility of the desert to the lively bustle of the souk, Dubai offers a kaleidoscope of attractions for visitors. In a single day, the tourist can experience everything from rugged mountains and awe-inspiring sand dunes to sandy beaches and lush green parks, from dusty villages to luxurious residential districts and from ancient houses with wind towers to ultra-modern shopping malls. Now a new activity has been added to create one of the most captivating contrast: Skiing in Dubai! YES SKIING; skiing on real snow.
Ski Dubai in Dubai Emirates Mall started in December 2005 is the worlds third largest indoor ski slope, measuring 400 meters and using 6000 tons of snow. Dubai skiing resort is the first Dubai indoor ski slope to open.A second indoors ski slope is the Dubai Sunny Mountain Ski Dome in Dubailand which is due to open in 2009. It will provide a great attraction, featuring a revolving ski slope, an artificial mountain range, an ice bridge, a cable lift, a snow maze, an ice slide, polar bears cold water-aquaria and special sound and light effects.

Thursday, November 6, 2008



2) SAY IT:(


The last attempt at a bridge designed to span the Strait of Gibraltar was a design by U.S. engineer T.Y.Lin in 1986 which would require three support pylons one mile high and footings that plunge to the sea bottom one half mile down underwater and then sink an additional quarter of a mile destroying the existing ecology of the sea bottom surrounding it significantly disturbing the marine environment of the area. LinĂ¢€™s design was based on previous traditional bridge concepts and was similar to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco enlarged to five times its original size. Currently, the longest existing bridge is the Seto Ohashi Kojima bridge 13.22 kilometers long and built in 1988 for $8.3 billion dollars. It does not float

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


M.S. Freedom Ship - A Floating City Ship concept put forward by Freedom Ship International.

The passenger ocean liner is, without question, the greatest of all man-made construction, especially as exhibited at the peak of its development from the 1930s onwards. They were as large then as any skyscraper or any of the world’s greatest railway stations. But unlike these edifices, locked to the earth, static upon their foundations, the passenger ocean liners, fitted with machinery as large as that of any power station, were powerful, mobile monuments of man’s engineering prowess. Cleaving the waves at anything up to 30 knots, they were the leviathans and monarchs of the oceans, and truly were floating cities.In the 19th and 20th century the ocean liner and their scheduled routes were a means of travel between countries. They enabled people for the first time to travel long distances between countries and continents on a regular basis. By the 1960s and 70s this role of the ocean liner had declined due to the advent of air travel. As a result in the late 20th century the ocean liner adapted for cruising and became the cruise liner. Now rather than being a means of travel cruise liners are a destination in themselves and have become floating resorts. In turn the ocean liner and cruise liners have sown the seed of the floating city concept. In the early 21st century we have seen the emergence of the first residential condominium ships. Thus marking the next stage in the continued evolution of the ocean passenger ship.

The ocean passenger liner has come a long way since the 19th century when its scheduled ocean services were a vital means of travel. In the 20th century the ocean liner evolved into the cruise liner and became a floating resort, and today in the early 21st century there is the new and exciting development of the residential condominium ship. We may yet be a long way from seeing the floating city ship concept becoming reality. But one thing is certain the ocean passenger ship that had its origins in the ocean liners of the 19th and 20th centuries will continue to evolve and doubtless there will be many more exciting developments in the future.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

RoBoTs !!! :-)

USA Today is running a story about the emergence of robots in common aspects of life in Japan. Many simple yet social jobs are being filled by robots of increasing sophistication. The article suggests that Japanese culture is more open to such interaction than the majority of other cultures. Quoting: "For Japan, the robotics revolution is an imperative. With more than a fifth of the population 65 or older, the country is banking on robots to replenish the workforce and care for the elderly. The government estimates the industry could surge from about $5.2 billion in 2006 to $26 billion in 2010 and nearly $70 billion by 2025. Besides financial and technological power, the robot wave is favored by the Japanese mind-set as well. Robots have long been portrayed as friendly helpers in Japanese popular culture, a far cry from the often rebellious and violent machines that often inhabit Western science fiction."
source: http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?no_d2=1&sid=08/03/02/156229

Friday, October 10, 2008


" The U.S. Army wants to turn G.I. Joes and Janes into superheroes right out of Hollywood. In the 1987 film Predator, Arnold Schwarzenegger played an Army commando battling an alien in a suit that rendered it invisible. The film got mixed reviews, but the Army hopes its so-called Future Warrior outfit will be a smash on the battlefield. "With a uniform like Predator's, our soldiers would really have a lopsided advantage," says Jean-Louis "Dutch" De Gay, a systems engineer at the Army's Soldier Systems Center in Natick, Mass." by http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/03_30/b3843083.htm

Friday, October 3, 2008


Animated introduction presentation to space elevator (tether) concept envisioned by ISR. The Space Elevator, tethered to a platform in geosynchronous orbit, has been evaluated from a scientific and engineering perspective and determined to be feasible with existing and anticipated near-term technology. With the continued development of high-strength materials made from carbon nanotubes formed into composite threads, a space elevator could enhance the long-term sustainability of the NASA Space Exploration Vision. A space elevator system would provide a safe and inexpensive means of delivering a large mass of payload to earth orbit and to the Moon and Mars, and enable many new types of commercial ventures in space.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The lure of the flying car is just too great for Moller International, a company best known for its SkyCar prototype and not actually producing a real flying vehicle for sale despite being around for some 25 years. Its latest tease is adapting the body shell of a Ferrari 599 GTB for use as a flying vehicle. Called the Autovolanter, this 599 GTB that's freed from the shackles of Earth is capable of vertical take-offs and landings thanks to a hybrid powertrain comprised of rotary engines and electric motors. The vehicle, proposed by a wealthy Russian businessman who'd apparently like to bypass Moscow's busy traffic with style, has already gone through small-scale testing and Moller seems rather pleased with the results. Initial goals for the Autovolanter are a 150-mile range on the ground, with 40 of those coming from battery power alone, and 75 miles of airborne flight at high speeds. So the Autovolanter is basically a flying Chevy Volt based on a Ferrari. To make it a reality, the vehicle would need 800 horsepower.Moller needs around $5 million for continued development.


3D printing is a fast-developing and cost-effective form of rapid prototyping. Utilising technology based upon common inkjet desktop printers, it is now possible to produce superior quality, durable physical models from your 3D design CAD data. The range of rapid prototyping machines includes the new Projet 3000 from 3D Systems and the Z450 from Z Corp.Models are of exceptional surface finish and feature detail, and can be built to extraordinarily complex patterns. Perfect for applications such as product design development, architecture, jewellery, medical studies and chemical structures.= )

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Monday, September 8, 2008

Things That I Like...

Well to start off i love to eat...My favorite foods are pasta,sea food,& anything Spanish (Puerto Rican).I also like to play in some sports like football, basket ball & prison ball.After school i like to chill with my friends and go shopping!!! =]